Many of us do not have the educational background required to understand the financial aspects of our jobs, yet we are expected to analyze and make decisions based on complex financial information. To understand the basics, you need to be literate in the terminology. To make informed decisions, you have to comprehend the implications of the numbers.
Prefer to learn in short bursts or online at your own pace? Looking to learn about a single topic? There are new offerings to match all your interest.
The Series for Excellence in Financial Management allows you to mix and match topics from budgeting and reading financial statements to decision making and building business cases using financial information. The two day Managers seminar covers all the essential areas you’ll need in your role. Want to cover topics in more detail, the online Certificate in Financial Management allows you to work at your own pace.
Financial Management skills and knowledge play a part in most roles whether working directly with the information or using it to make decisions. Build understanding and ability so you can complete your work with ease and confidence.
Certificate in Financial Management - ONLINE self paced - Learn how to make informed financial decisions and plan effectively for the futureCertificate Information | Register Now
Series for Excellence in Financial Management - Created by a professional accountant who regularly works with businesses and organizations focused on the topics most managers should understandSeries Information | Register Now
Financial Forecasting – Forecasting and analysisCourse Information | Register Now
Financial Decision-Making - Approach to solving business decisionsCourse Information | Register Now
Financial Management for Managers - Financial skills and knowledge which will take the mystery out of accounting reports and financial documents and allow you to make better financial decisionsCourse Information | Register Now
Operational Budgets - Prepare, review and compare budgets to actual resultsCourse Information | Register Now
Understanding Financial Statements - Balance sheet, income statement, cash flow and key ratiosCourse Information | Register Now
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