The members of the CN Centre for Occupational Health and Safety see conduct and disseminate research findings as their primary mandate. All members of the centre are actively engaged in research and publication. The following is a representative sample of publications by members of the CN Centre relating to Occupational Safety.
Journal Articles
Fleming, M. (2005). Patient safety culture measurement and improvement. Healthcare Quarterly, 8(4), 14-19.
Fleming, M. T., Smith, S. M ., & Slaunwhite, J. (2006) Investigating non- technical competencies in cardiac surgery teams. Canadian Journal of Surgery, 49, 22-30.
Fleming, M. & Wentzell, N. (2008). Patient safety culture improvement tool (PSCIT): How the PSCIT was developed and guidelines for use. Healthcare Quarterly, 11(sp), 10-15.
Ginsburg, L.R., Gilin, D., Tregunno, D., Norton, P.G., Flemons, W.W., & Fleming, M. Advancing measurement of patient safety culture. Health Services Research. Provisionally accepted for upcoming publication.
Kelloway, E.K., Mullen, J. & Francis, L. (2006). The divergent effects of transformational and passive leadership on employee safety. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 11, 76-86.
Matlow, A., Flintoft, V., Orbine E., Brady-Fryer, B., Cronin, G., Nijssen-Jordan, C., Fleming, M., Hiltz, M., Lahey, M., Zimmerman, M. & Baker, R. (2005). The development of the Canadian paediatric trigger tool for identifying potential adverse events. Healthcare Quarterly, 8(4), 90-93.
McCabe, B., Loughlin, C., Munteanu, R., Tucker, S., & Lam, A. (Conditional Acceptance). Safety Incidents in Ontario Construction. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering (National Research Council of Canada).
Sibley, A. K., Tallon, J. M., Day, A. L., & Ackroyd-Stolarz, S. (2005). Occupational injuries and stressors among Canadian air medical health-care professionals in rotor-wing programs. Air Medical Journal, 24(6), 215-220.
Book Chapters
Day, A. & Catano, V.M . (2006). Assessing and screening violence and aggression at work. In Kelloway, E.K., Barling, J. & Hurrell, J. (Eds). Handbook of Workplace Violence. Thousand Oaks , CA : Sage.
Farley, K. M. J. & Catano, V. M. (2006). The battlefield as workplace: Violence in warfighting, pp. 281-308. In Kelloway, E.K., Barling, J. & Hurrell, J. (Eds). Handbook of Workplace Violence. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Tucker, S. and Loughlin, C. (2005). Young Workers and Workplace Violence. In K. Kelloway, J. Barling, & Hurell, J., Handbook of workplace violence . Sage Publications.
Technical Papers
Holmvall, C. M., & Francis, L. (2005, May). How safe is your place? The responsibility for safety at work is shared between employee and employer, Progress Magazine, 58-61.
Mustard, C. (PI), Loughlin, C., Ignatieff, N., & Nixon, D. (February, 2004) Role of Management in Reducing Risk for Work-Related Injury and Illness, Report prepared for the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) of Ontario.
Invited Commentaries
MacDonald, ML., & Slaunwhite, J.M. (2010). Using common work environment metrics to improve occupational health and safety in healthcare and community services organizations. Healthcare Papers, 10, 43-47.
MacDonald, ML., Slaunwhite, J.M., & MacIntyre, L. (2012). Beyond the status quo- managing risk through occupational health and safety. Qumentum Quarterly, 4, 36-39.
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